Prepare for disruptions: Use SMS for maintenance alerts

Keeping customers informed about service interruptions, planned maintenance, or other important events builds trust and enhances customer satisfaction. It also enables prompt responses and minimises impact on the customer experience. Discover how proactive SMS notifications can strengthen business and customer relationships while facilitating operations.

Effective customer communication is crucial for companies in the property and infrastructure sectors. SMS is an efficient communication channel for delivering timely messages, updates, and alerts to tenants, subscribers, and clients. SMS messages ensure that recipients are quickly informed and prepared for downtime, from planned maintenance to unexpected and unforeseen disruptions and outages. This proactive approach enhances customer satisfaction, contributing to a smooth and efficient management of operational challenges.

Reaching customers via email is not as straightforward and effective as SMS. SMS reaches recipients directly on their mobile phones, regardless of the situation, minimising anxiety and frustration when the channel is used correctly. Here are examples of how various industries can benefit from SMS notifications to communicate with customers during service disruptions.



Manufacturing, warehouses, and distribution centres


For businesses and industries dealing with manufacturing, warehouses, and distribution centres, it's crucial to keep their customers informed during any service disruptions. By sending an SMS message, you can quickly reach your business partners and notify them about expected interruptions and estimated recovery times. This allows them to plan ahead and minimise potential operational disruptions.

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Property companies with maintenance work


Property companies have a direct relationship with their tenants and other stakeholders. By using SMS, you can quickly and efficiently notify tenants about planned maintenance work, such as plumbing repairs, electrical servicing, or common areas to be renovated. This creates transparency and trust among the tenants, demonstrating that the company is customer-focused and service-minded.





In the transport sector, reliable communication is crucial to avoid unpleasant surprises for passengers and freight carriers. SMS lets you inform about delays due to road or rail maintenance, traffic congestion, or accidents. This allows your customers to rearrange their journeys in advance and increases understanding during delays, helping to reduce stress in unplanned disruptions.

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Electricity, water, road, and broadband infrastructure play a central role in society, and interruptions in these services can have serious consequences. By using SMS, authorities and service providers can quickly notify residents about planned power outages, water shut-offs, or roadworks. This helps to minimise disruptions and increase awareness of changes in the infrastructure.

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IT infrastruktur


IT infrastructure


For companies managing IT infrastructure, such as data centres and network facilities, swift and effective communication is crucial during operational disruptions or planned maintenance. By sending SMS messages to relevant parties, you can keep them informed about ongoing work and expected recovery times. This minimises the risk of business interruptions and demonstrates that you are proactive in addressing IT-related challenges.





The healthcare sector has recently faced challenges accessing systems due to power outages and hacker attacks. Implementing SMS notifications can benefit both patients and internal communication. Using SMS to communicate with your patients during service disruptions effectively builds and maintains trust. For instance, you can instruct patients about the cancelled appointments and ask them to contact the healthcare unit to reschedule.

Using SMS to communicate with your customers during service interruptions is a powerful way to build and maintain trust with your customers and suppliers. Being transparent and proactive in your communication can reduce worry and frustration while strengthening your brand as a reliable and responsible provider.


LEKAB provides mobile messaging services, SMS Gateway and messaging APIs and software for advanced business messaging and process automation. We offer digital tools and solutions to companies that want to optimise how they communicate and interact with customers and employees on the mobile to improve productivity, availability and the customer experience through mobile channels. Do you want to know more or ask us for advice? Contact Us!

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